Download and Install FYS-App

FYS-App installation is available for several platforms. Currently the recommended method for running FYS-App, is by using the Docker image as it provides a simple and secure method for the application to run on multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, and MacOS)

Installation Guide (Docker):

1- Before you can run FYS-App in a Docker Container, you need to have Docker on your system. If you already have Docker, skip to step 2.

If, you don’t have Docker installed on your system, you need to install Docker by following the process from: Docker Desktop. The instructions for installing Docker, are different depending on your operating system. Also, your platform must meet the system requirements for Docker.

Docker for Windows requires Microsoft WSL2 and a Linux Distro installed. This video shows how to install WSL2/Ubuntu and Docker:

2- With Docker installed on your system, visit the page for fys-alpine and follow the instructions to get the image and run it: jrvela/fys-alpine

3- FYS-App requires a Product Key to access live data. The key is free and can be obtained from within the FYS-App‘s login button. You will need to save the key in the FYS-App>Settings. For details please see: How-to: Get a Product Key – Ducky Soup

Note: At this time, sound is not supported in the Docker image.

Installation Guide (Windows 10 or higher):

IMORTANT: Development for the Windows installer will stop by Oct 31, 2024. We recommend using the Docker image instead. After this date there will be no new Windows versions available.

1- Download and run Setup-fys.exe from a Windows command prompt (aka terminal shell). For your convenience, you Copy and Paste this command from bellow to the terminal shell:

NOTE 1: The anti-virus (AV) software on your system, may incorrectly tag Setup-fys.exe as a potential risk. if this is the case, you need to configure your AV to allow Setup-fys.exe to run. Once Setup-fys.exe completes the installation, you can configure your AV to normal operation.

NOTE2: FYS-App depends on other software such as Python and several Python Modules. If necessary, the installer will get these packages. If these packages are already installed, they will not be reinstalled. The installer will create a Python Virtual Environment for fys-app. This will keep fys-app independent of an existing Python installation.

NOTE3: The installer requires the MS App Store on your Windows system. Just make sure you are logged in to the MS App Store before proceeding.

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass wget -OutFile Setup-fys.exe ; ./Setup-fys.exe ;  exit

Open the Command Shell, CTRL+V to paste. Press ENTER to run the command.

2- FYS-App will be installed in the user’s Home directory by default. To launch the app, look for a shortcut called LAUNCH fys-app on the Desktop or in the installation folder. The Desktop will also have a shortcut to Uninstall fys-app.

Once the application starts select the Settings button to customize your FYS-App Setting. Mandatory fields (don’t leave them blank) are the browser, the output directory and file name for the Live watchlist. If you want sound, select a WAV file as well. This sound file will play each time the Live watchlist is updated. Once you save the Settings, click on the FYS Live Scanner button.

Installing fys-App V 9.3 in less than 5 minutes

Installing FYS-App on Linux and Mac OSX

FYS-App is written in Python, make it portable across Operating systems. However, given that there are many variations of OS’s, available specific instructions for each system are nearly impossible. Please see below for more details.

Installation Guide (Linux):

The following instructions make use of an installation script. The script installs Python in a virtual environment to avoid conflicts. The script will also install all required packages. As a security measure, you may download and inspect the script to ensure that it is doing what it is supposed to be doing.

1- The script was tested on Debian 11 and Debian 12, but it may also work on current Linux distros based on Debian such as Ubuntu 23.

2- You will need “sudo” access for the installation, otherwise the script will not run.

3- In a shell issue the following command:

sudo apt -y install curl ; sh <(curl -L

4- Start fys-app using the command: ~/fys-app/fys-app

Once the application starts select the Settings button to customize your FYS-App Setting. Mandatory fields (don’t leave them blank) are the browser, the output directory and file name for the Live watchlist. If you want sound, select a WAV file as well. This sound file will play each time the Live watchlist is updated. Once you save the Settings, click on the FYS Live Scanner button.

Installation Guide Mac OSX (FYS-App v 19.0 [Jan. 1, 2024])

For the Mac OSX installation, Homebrew is a requirement. The instructions are provided below:

1- Install Homebrew by getting the installer from Homebrew — The Missing Package Manager for macOS

2- Follow the instructions on the Homebrew installer. There will be a number of prompts that you will have to answer.

Note: Installing Homebrew may take a while to execute if you are using an older Mac. Be patient.

Once the installation completes, validate that Homebrew is installed is by issuing the following command:

brew help

This should return a help screen for the brew commands available.

3- With Homebrew operational, you can now execute the installation script:

brew install curl ; sh <(curl -L

4- Start fys-app using the command: ~/fys-app/fys-app

Once the application starts select the Settings button to customize your FYS-App Setting. Mandatory fields (don’t leave them blank) are the browser, the output directory and file name for the Live watchlist. If you want sound, select a WAV file as well. This sound file will play each time the Live watchlist is updated. Once you save the Settings, click on the FYS Live Scanner button.

Note: Python GUI controls in Mac OS X are a little different than Windows and Linux. This area will have to be improved in a future release.